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We would like to point out that most of the texts included in this work come freely from the Internet and can be found on Wikipedia. Then the question arises: why buy it?

The answer is simple.

It is a painstaking work of assembly, with a specific search for images (these, for example, you can't find them on Wikipedia) that completes the work in order to make it unique and not repeatable in its structure. In short, a work that, while coming from the work of others, is transformed into a unicum, assuming its own logical form which is to describe ...

In addition, the work has been enriched with numerous images that you cannot find on wikipedia.

Book content: 13 Sins: Plot, Cast, Production, Release, Reception, Scenes from the movie. The Director: Daniel Stamm: Career, Filmography. The actors. Mark Webber: Early life, Career, Personal life, Filmography, Television roles, Film roles, Directing credits. Devon Graye: Personal life, Filmography. Tom Bower: Filmography, Film, Television. Rutina Wesley: Early life and education, Career, Personal life, Filmography, Film, Television, Awards and nominations, Rutina Wesley in some hot scenes from his films: True Blood. Pruitt Taylor Vince: Early life, Career, Awards, Filmography, Film, Television. Ron Perlman: Early life, Career, Film and television, Voice-over work, Personal life, Filmography, Film, Television.

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Generi Romanzi e letteratura » Gialli e thriller » Gialli e thriller » Rosa , Fumetti

Editore Self-publish

Formato Ebook (senza DRM)

Pubblicato 19/11/2020

Lingua Italiano

EAN-13 1230004357483

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