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Action Horror Movies - Laura Cremonini
Action Horror Movies - Laura Cremonini

Action Horror Movies

Laura Cremonini
pubblicato da Self-Publish

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Action horror is subgenre combining the intrusion of an evil force, event, or personage of horror movies with the weapon fights and frenetic chases of the action genre. Themes or elements often prevalent in typical action-horror films include gore, demons, aliens, vicious animals, vampires, and, most commonly, zombies. This category also fuses the fantasy genre. Examples include: Aliens, Predator, Dog Soldiers, Blade, From Dusk till Dawn, I Saw the Devil, Resident Evil, Feast, Train to Busan, The Purge series, and Upgrade.

This book is the assembly of various texts that are freely available on the web, especially from Wikipedia. The next obvious question is: why buy this book? The answer: because it means you avoid having to carry out long and tedious internet searches.

The topics are all linked to each other organically, and as a function of the subject and, in most cases, contain additional unpublished topics, not found on the web. Moreover, the inclusion of images completes the work so as to make it unique and unrepeatable.

Contents of the book: Aliens, Arachnicide, Blade, Blood: The Last Vampire, The Cat, Day Watch, The Era of Vampires, Faust: Love of the Damned, Frankenstein's Army, From Dusk till Dawn, The Host, House on Willow Street, Intensive Care, I Saw the Devil, Land of the Dead, Revenge, Santo contra el cerebro diabolico, Satan Returns, Snake Island, Train to Busan, Vampire Controller, Violent Shit III, WolfCop, Action horror films by country: American action horror films, Australian action horror films, British action horror films, German action horror films, Indian action horror films, Japanese action horror films, Philippine action horror films.

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Generi Romanzi e letteratura » Contemporanei » Rosa

Editore Self-publish

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 29/03/2020

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 1230003779798

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Action Horror Movies


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