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Alchemy of happiness - Al Ghazzali
Alchemy of happiness - Al Ghazzali

Alchemy of happiness

Al Ghazzali
pubblicato da P

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Kimiya-yi Sa'dat (Persian: English: The Alchemy of success) was a book written by Ab mid Muammad ibn Muammad al-Ghazl, a Persian theologian, philosopher, and prolific Sunni Muslim author regarded as one of the greatest systematic thinkers of Islam. The Kimiya-yi Sa'dat was written towards the end of his life shortly before 499/1105. During the time before it was written the Muslim world was considered to be in a state of political as well as intellectual unrest. Al-Ghazl, noted that there were constant disputes about the role of philosophy and scholastic theology, and that Sufis became chastised for their neglect of the ritual obligations of Islam. Upon its release, the Kimiya-yi sa'dat allowed al-Ghazali to considerably cut the tensions between the scholars and mystics. Kimiya-yi sa'dat emphasized importance of observing the ritual requirements of Islam, the actions that would lead to salvation, and avoidance of sin. The factor that set the Kimiya-yi sa'dat apart from other theological works at the time was its mystical emphasis on self-discipline and asceticism.

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Generi Romanzi e letteratura » Racconti e antologie letterarie

Editore P

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 20/06/2018

Lingua Italiano

EAN-13 9788828338529

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