The Australian Bush Flower Essences are now 69 plus 19 Essences created by the combination of flowers and Australians were introduced by Ian White, Australian biologist and psychologist. There are not yet widely known and used in Italy by the general public, but are highly appreciated by Floriterapeuti and are included in many complex Flowers Australian phytopreparations and homeopathic. They are among the most powerful and flowers widely used after Bach Flowers, have very high energy, one of the highest among the flower remedies. Australian Aborigines have always used the flowers to treat discomfort or emotional imbalances, as was done in ancient Egypt, India, Asia and South America. It is a pristine continent, full of ancient energy. Currently, Australia is experiencing a time of new vitality and pervasive energy that, combined with the innate regenerative potential of the Earth, makes Essences Australian remedies only. The Australian flowers are commercially available in concentrated essences of 15 ml. To prepare a mixture are poured seven drops of each of the essences of the stock bottle choices, in a bottle with dropper 30 ml .; is added to a quarter of brandy (used only as a preservative and can be replaced by vinegar apple increasing the dose) and 3/4 of natural mineral water.
Anonimo -