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Beauty and the Beast - Rossana Rosa Di Grazia
Beauty and the Beast - Rossana Rosa Di Grazia

Beauty and the Beast

Rossana Rosa Di Grazia
pubblicato da youcanprint

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This book was created with the intention of providing a unified work for those who love the "tale as old as time" that is Beauty and the Beast. And for curious readers and linguists who love challenges.Love may turn a beast into a man; but it may also turn a man into a beast. Who is the real beast and who is the protagonist of the tale? It is important to awaken the critical spirit of society, so that the whole world can become a better place.In this book readers will find:- Differences between English and American languages- New perspectives on Beauty and the Beast- Contemporary interpretations of the tale.Rossana Rosa Di Grazia is an emerging Italian writer who graduated and specialized in Language, Society and Communication. She is an English and Spanish teacher, and she also writes articles. As a life-long enthusiast of foreign languages and translation, her main interests are teaching, which she considers a mission, and traveling. Curiosity is what allowed her to get a good grasp of languages and human relations.

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Generi Scienze umane » Educazione , Lingue e Dizionari » Guide e corsi » Inglese

Editore Youcanprint

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 26/05/2021

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9791220341011

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