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Body Horror Movies - Laura Cremonini
Body Horror Movies - Laura Cremonini

Body Horror Movies

Laura Cremonini
pubblicato da Self-Publish

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In body horror, a.k.a. squick, the horror is principally derived from the graphic destruction or degeneration of the body. Other types of body horror include unnatural movements, or the anatomically incorrect placement of limbs to create 'monsters' out of human body parts. David Cronenberg is one of the notable directors of the genre. Body horror films include: Starry Eyes, Videodrome, Dead Ringers, Contracted, The Thing, The Fly, and American Mary.

This book is the assembly of various texts that are freely available on the web, especially from Wikipedia. The next obvious question is: why buy this book? The answer: because it means you avoid having to carry out long and tedious internet searches.

The topics are all linked to each other organically, and as a function of the subject and, in most cases, contain additional unpublished topics, not found on the web. Moreover, the inclusion of images completes the work so as to make it unique and unrepeatable.

Contents of the book: Body horror, The 12 most representative films: Altered States, An American Werewolf in London, Annihilation, Antiviral, Bad Taste, Dead Ringers, Existenz, The Hands of Orlac, Hellraiser, From Beyond, Possession, Rabid, Notable films and television series, Posted in eBook and Paperback. Of all the films, the poster, numerous images taken from the films, the plot, the critics and many other news.

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Generi Romanzi e Letterature » Romanzi contemporanei » Gialli, mistery e noir , Gialli Noir e Avventura » Gialli, mistery e noir

Editore Self-publish

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 29/03/2020

Lingua Italiano

EAN-13 1230003779910

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Body Horror Movies


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