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China and the World
China and the World

China and the World

pubblicato da Il Mulino

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Having to interpret the continuation of the severe turbulence in the Sino-US relationship, some keep referring to a new form of Cold War, as if this paradigm were applicable in describing today's international situation; our publication prepares for a future in which new forms of collaboration between China and the world will have to be invented. This explains the subtitle of China and the World: The Long March towards a community of shared future for mankind. We are well aware that the road will be long, tortuous, and not without its setbacks. However, the ideal of a better model of global governance, one that better serves the world's 7.8 billion human beings, must guide the general movement. We trust that anyone interested in political science, global economics, international finance, environmental issues, the evolution of multilateralism, international relations, and strategic and security issues, can find this collection of essays, or at least parts of it, stimulating and inspiring.


Edmond Alphandéry, former French Minister of economy; Irina Bokova, the former director-general of the UNESCO; Eugenio Bregolat, three times Spanish Ambassador to China; General Giuseppe Cucchi; Laurent Fabius, former Prime Minister of France and current President of the Constitutional Council of the French Republic; Eduardo Frei, former President of Chile; Alicia Garcia Herrero, economist; He Yafei, former vice Foreign Minister of the People's Republic of China; Jin Liqun, chairman of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB); Leslie Maasdorp, vice president of the New Development Bank (NDB); Kishore Mahbubani, Singaporean diplomat and academic; Stefano Manservisi, former director-general for international cooperation and development at the European Commission; Joan McEntee, former senior official of the US Department of Commerce; Federica Mogherini, former High Representative of the European Union for foreign affairs and security policy; Miguel Angel Moratinos Cuyaube, the United Nations High-Representative for the Alliance of Civilizations; Romano Prodi, former Prime Minister of Italy and former President of the European Union Commission; Vera Songwe, UN Undersecretary General and head of the UN Economic Commission for Africa; General Xu Hui; José Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, former Prime Minister of Spain; Zhou Hanmin, vice chairman of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) of the Shanghai Municipality.

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Generi Storia e attualità » Politica » Teoria » Strutture

Editore Il Mulino

Formato Ebook (senza DRM)

Pubblicato 05/11/2020

Lingua Italiano

EAN-13 9788815364302

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China and the World


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