The first volume of ¿China and the World¿, published in 2020, examined the global impact of the Chinese renaissance from the perspective of international relations. This volume explores the role of business in the relationship between China and the world. A polyphonic collection has the advantage of highlighting nuances that a monologic grand discourse would tend to erase. It is obvious that the dominant Chinese, European or American narratives are not always identical. However, as in contrapuntal music, different melodies and rhythms can unfold in harmony. It is our conviction that progress in the 21st century will be largely determined by the nature of the relationship between China and the world. Entrepreneurs, be it economic, social, or even intellectual ones, are accelerators of such a global progress.
Marco Alverà, CEO of SNAM; Giovanni Andornino, founding generalsecretary of the China-Italy Philanthropy Forum; Daniela Bobeva, former Bulgarian deputy Prime Minister; Giuseppe Bono, CEO of Fincantieri; Eugenio Bregolat, Spanish diplomat; Bernard Dewit, chairman of the Belgian-Chinese chamber of commerce (BCCC); Frederick du Plessis, corporate strategist; Gabriel Escarrer, CEO of Melia Hotels International; Louis Godart, former cultural advisor of three Italian presidents; Gian Maria Gros-Pietro, chairman of Intesa Sanpaolo; He Yafei, former vice Minister of Foreign Affairs of the People¿s Republic of China; Hans Hendrischke, professor of Chinese business and management at the University of Sydney Business School; Isabelle Huault, president of EM Lyon business school; Marcos Jank, CEO of the Asia- Brazil Agro Alliance; Mcebisi Jonas, board chairperson of MTN Group Limited; Valentin Katrandzhiev, from the Bulgarian Diplomatic Institute; Leslie Maasdorp, vice president and CFO of the New Development Bank (NDB); Joan McEntee, former deputy undersecretary of the US department of commerce; Nikolaj Moesgaard, entrepreneur; Romano Prodi, former Italian Prime Minister and former president of the European Commission; Niels Søndergaard, from Insper Agro Global; Claus Toxvig, Danish business executive; Wang Hua, dean of the EM Lyon business school Asia; Wang Qinghong, executive president and CEO of the East-West Philanthropy Forum.
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