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Chocolate & The City - Rona Persichetti
Chocolate & The City - Rona Persichetti

Chocolate & The City

Rona Persichetti
pubblicato da Bookroad

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Sara is a young and brilliant thirty-three year old woman. Tired of her unrewarding and underpaid job and disappointed by a relationship that ended badly, she decides to change her life by moving to London. After a difficult period in which - desperately looking for a job - she is forced to live in a gloomy hostel, she is hired by one of the most prestigious law firms in the City and moves to an elegant neighborhood with a French girl. Shortly thereafter she falls in love with an Italian man, a career-driven professional like her. It seems that all the pieces of her life are back in place. Appearances, however, can be misleading...

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Generi Passione e Sentimenti » Romanzi rosa , Romanzi e Letterature » Rosa

Editore Bookroad

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 20/05/2021

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9788833226088

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