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Cochlear Implants - Basic Textbook - Sandro Burdo
Cochlear Implants - Basic Textbook - Sandro Burdo

Cochlear Implants - Basic Textbook

Sandro Burdo
pubblicato da youcanprint

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The literature on cochlear implantation includes very few introductory textbooks, while many publications are devoted to updating or explaining specific aspects of the topic. The neophyte may struggle to understand specialized texts due to lacking basic knowledge. Even the expert may need an overview of the various cochlear implant models, taking advantage of a technical summary related to the main concepts of audiology and otology. Cochlear Implants by Sandro Burdo is a textbook written by a single author who maintains a logical order of chapters, making learning more accessible because it follows a sequence. Although it is an introduction, the book also covers the topic from a technical standpoint, but with essential reminders of audiology and otology necessary to understand how the various device components simulate auditory anatomy-physiology. The author describes all brands without any comments on quality or preference to allow readers to build their opinions. However, careful reading reveals that the devices are not similar but present significant differences that professionals should consider in making a rational choice for individualized implant fitting. This knowledge will help the clinician to develop the critical sense that will lead to a view based on concrete and scientific considerations. In other words, they are not being prey to the promotional ads of companies that often exaggerate certain product features while hiding their limitations. The text consists of three main parts: - basic science (acoustics and electricity); - auditory anatomy and pathophysiology; - cochlear implant technology, for a total of 240 double-column pages, 143 figures, and 13 tables, confirming the educational purpose of the book with 1.5 illustrations per page. Clinical aspects are covered briefly because discussing them in depth would have meant going off-topic. And since clinical elements such as indications, contraindications, etc., are the only topics covered in other books, repeating concepts that are now more than familiar was unnecessary. Finally, it may be helpful to know that the author used the simple language of a high school textbook, putting all the topics into an organic design in which the three main themes mentioned above interact. For information:

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Generi Salute e Benessere » Medicina

Editore Youcanprint

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 26/10/2023

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9791222705712

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Cochlear Implants - Basic Textbook


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