Come spedire il seme refrigerato su internet: ottieni una gravidanza senza avere rapporti sessuali, senza pagare una banca del seme e senza neanche lasciare casa tua
This book discusses shipping chilled semen as an alternative to sperm banks. It explains in detail with many photographs, drawings, and other images how to determine a recipient's fertile time, how to prepare and ship chilled semen samples, how to inseminate, and how to test for pregnancy. Explains in detail how recipients can protect their privacy. It explains in detail with many photographs, drawings, and other images how to time insemination by predicating ovulation with the OPK (ovulation prediction kit, with detailed explanation of various types of test and how to read them), by charting basal temperatures, by evaluating changes in cervical mucus, by evaluating changes in the position of the cervix, and by being aware of mittelschmerz (ovulation pains). It explains what to do when the unexpected, such as two ovulations in one cycle, happens. The book then summarizes key dates in the woman's reproductive cycle. It explains in detail with many photographs, drawings, and other images the contents of the shipping kit and how the private donor can collect semen, prepare it for shipping, and ship it. Discusses in detail how to ship semen overnight with express mail carriers such as UPS or FedEx, including many problems that arise and how to deal with them, such as what to do when you need to deliver on Sunday or holidays when the carriers do not deliver. It explains in detail with many photographs, drawings, and other images what semen should appear like when the recipient receives the samples and how to evaluate the semen for viability with a desk-top microscope and with a hand-held microscope and how to inseminate with a syringe, speculum, catheter, or Instead Softcup. It explains when to start taking the home pregnancy test (HPT), with many pictures of test results.
Come spedire il seme refrigerato su internet: ottieni una gravidanza senza avere rapporti sessuali, senza pagare una banca del seme e senza neanche lasciare casa tua
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