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Courage in politics - Ferenc Bódi - Ralitsa Savona - Ralitsa Savova
Courage in politics - Ferenc Bódi - Ralitsa Savona - Ralitsa Savova

Courage in politics

Ferenc Bódi - Ralitsa Savona - Ralitsa Savova
pubblicato da Pacini

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Political - courage two words when combined signify one of the greatest of human actions, but one that is seldom seen today. Politics has become an arena where pragmatism rather than moral judgement and social justice reigns, where behavior is focused on gaining and retaining power, finding a strategic and tactical advantage and being accepted. Throughout the ages there have been individuals and groups who have become models of political courage, those who have chosen to follow a moral compass, to strive to redress injustices, to give up self for the good of others. They exemplify and provide standards by which we can measure political courage today and its impact on shaping history more positively.
"Courage in Politics" is meant to promote discourse on the topic. It can serve as a platform for different disciplines to engage in an examination of political courage from various perspectives. The chapters in this book do not begin to represent this rich and important area of study, but it is hoped that it is enough to stimulate the reader' interest.

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Generi Storia e attualità » Politica » Teoria

Editore Pacini

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 29/06/2020

Lingua Italiano

EAN-13 9788869957383

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Courage in politics


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