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Crunch design research - DARREN OCKERT - Thomas Spiegelhalter
Crunch design research - DARREN OCKERT - Thomas Spiegelhalter

Crunch design research

DARREN OCKERT - Thomas Spiegelhalter
pubblicato da Franco Angeli Edizioni

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The City of Miami Beach is one of the most climate vulnerable cities on planet Earth. In the coming decades the city will have to face the challenges of sea-level rise combined with yearly threats of hurricanes, king tides, and tropical rain downpours that can dump as much as five inches of water on the city in one afternoon. Under the umbrella of CRUNCH (Climate Resilient Urban Nexus Choices) this first volume looks at designing building structures that can act as hybrids sitting in, out, or under the water with the ability to be self-sustaining.

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Generi Architettura Design e Moda » Architettura e Urbanistica » Edifici residenziali

Editore Franco Angeli Edizioni

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 16/11/2020

Lingua Italiano

EAN-13 9788835112266

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Crunch design research


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