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Cucinare in italiano - Isabella Orfano
Cucinare in italiano - Isabella Orfano

Cucinare in italiano

Isabella Orfano'
pubblicato da Meligrana Giuseppe Editore

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CUCINARE IN ITALIANO is an ebook aimed at people who love the Italian language and cooking. I have been teaching the Italian language to foreign people for many years and in my experience of work I have learnt that teaching Italian, by looking at the country's cultural aspects like cooking, is more effective as well as fun. The ebook is perfect for people who have an elementary/intermediate knowledge of the Italian language and it offers a precise, concise and schematic explanation of those grammatical elements which, at this level, are essential to improve linguistic skills (both understanding and speaking abilities). Each chapter also contains exercises to test the understanding of the grammar rules explained in the section "Approfondimento grammaticale" and at the end of each chapter I have inserted the keys to the exercises to give the readers the possibility to evaluate their level of grammatical understanding.

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Generi Lingue e Dizionari » Guide e corsi » Italiano

Editore Meligrana Giuseppe Editore

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 06/12/2012

Lingua Italiano

EAN-13 9788897268529

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