The main "actors" of the shots made by Mr C. Dell'Osa are some of the most recurrent foods in the mediterranean diet: they are humble, common and, at the same time, basic products of our cuisine.
His photo cross section shows a series of sections describing the whole plant, from its vegetable and leaves to its roots, soil included. It also reveals the photographer's attempt to get the observer to recall an archaic millennial world ruled by Mother Earth. It is a trip that clashes with the modern man's reality and its daily eating rhythms controlled by "a distorted perception of foods", that Mr Dell'Osa sees as something innatural and artificial. For this reason, we should recover a kind of assimilation no matter whether it is visual and likely to last for the seconds of observation that pays particular attention to our origins. Zero kilometer products, biological agriculture and veganism are the many answers to those people who want to know, learn and experiment. But how much awareness is there around in relation to these eating choices? Not so many people know that onions are extracted from the ground, and lots of experts can't tell a cucumber leaf from the tomato one. Unfortunately, we are more and more distant from the farming genuine reality we come from. In spite of that, we often talk about primary elements, eating habits and survival as this concept used to be thought about in the past.
Mr Dell'Osa's photos ask the observer to consider any perfect and natural "miracle" that every day we are glad to consume at mealtimes.
Anonimo -