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Dentist and Covid-19: how to manage the dental practice in the post-emergency - Riccardo Becciani
Dentist and Covid-19: how to manage the dental practice in the post-emergency - Riccardo Becciani

Dentist and Covid-19: how to manage the dental practice in the post-emergency

Riccardo Becciani
pubblicato da Edra

Prezzo online:

This guide originates from the need to investigate the problems that dentists and dental professionals will encounter when reopening dental practices after the stop related to the COVID-19 emergency. The initial phase of coexistence with the SARS-CoV-2 virus greatly complicates the work routine, aggravating its procedures and costs. This practical guide does not presume to replace the institutional indications provided by WHO or trade associations but to support them, integrating some practical aspects in the delicate reopening phase of the dental activities. The primary objective is to identify procedures and protocols that allow work to be carried out safely, both for operators and for patients. To do this, the authors followed the most up-to-date scientific literature and the best information available regarding all the aspects analyzed, while also being careful that everything indicated is sustainable in terms of costs and applicability in the daily routine of a dental practice.

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Generi Salute e Benessere » Medicina

Editore Edra

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 04/06/2020

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9788821453427

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Dentist and Covid-19: how to manage the dental practice in the post-emergency


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