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Environment, land use and transportation systems. Selected papers - AA.VV. Artisti Vari
Environment, land use and transportation systems. Selected papers - AA.VV. Artisti Vari

Environment, land use and transportation systems. Selected papers

AA.VV. Artisti Vari
pubblicato da Franco Angeli Edizioni

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This volume includes a selection of the papers presented during the 2011 Annual Conference of the Italian Society of Transportation Scholars (SIDT). The papers provide an overview on the research activities of SIDT members, representing all the Italian university professors and researchers who study and teach topics in transportation, and contributing to the community debate on transport systems and related topics. PUBLISHER'S NOTE: for the best reading experience of the ePub version, we recommend to download the file on your tablet.

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Generi Scienza e Tecnica » Ingegneria » Trasporti , Hobby e Tempo libero » Veicoli » Mezzi di trasporto

Editore Franco Angeli Edizioni

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 28/11/2013

Lingua Italiano

EAN-13 9788891701237

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Environment, land use and transportation systems. Selected papers


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