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Epigenetics for Intermediate - Frank Brown
Epigenetics for Intermediate - Frank Brown

Audiolibro Epigenetics for Intermediate

Frank Brown
pubblicato da youcanprint

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You Are About To Develop An Insider Understanding Of Epigenetics, Including Their Relationship With The DNA, Environmental Factors, Human Development And Evolution; Their Role In Human Mental And Physical Health, Including Their Use In The Treating Of Different Conditions And Diseases Along With The Most Current Epigenetic Practices And Research! What started as a broad research focused on combining genetics and developmental biology during the mid-twentieth century has evolved into the field we currently refer to as epigenetics- the mechanism of gene control that can either promote or repress gene expression without altering the genetic coding of the organism. Today, we know that the environment factors and individual lifestyles can have a direct interaction with epigenetic change, which can be reflected at various stages throughout the life of an individual and even in the later generations.

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Generi Scienza e Tecnica » Medicina

Editore Youcanprint

Formato Audiolibro

Durata 04:43.59

Pubblicato 16/01/2024

Lingua Italiano

EAN-13 9791222714974

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Epigenetics for Intermediate


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