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Fear on the Catwalk - Language Course Italian Level A1 - Alessandra Barabaschi
Fear on the Catwalk - Language Course Italian Level A1 - Alessandra Barabaschi

Fear on the Catwalk - Language Course Italian Level A1

Alessandra Barabaschi
pubblicato da mainebook Verlag

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With her series, the author invites the reader to a trip through Italy: to Rome (Vol. 1 "The War of the Roman Cats" A1), to Busseto, the city of Verdi (Vol. 2 "The Theft of Aida" B1), to Cremona, the city of Stradivari (Vol. 3 "The Lost Stradivari" B2), to Venice (Vol. 4 "The Gondolier of Death" A2), to Florence (Vol. 5 "The Poison of the Medici" A1), to verona (Vol. 6 "Death at the Opera" A2) and to Milano (Vol. 7. "Fear on the Catwalk" A1)

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Generi Lingue e Dizionari » Guide e corsi » Italiano , Viaggi e turismo » Guide turistiche » Italia

Editore Mainebook Verlag

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 18/11/2015

Lingua Italiano

EAN-13 9783944124643

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Fear on the Catwalk - Language Course Italian Level A1


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