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Felice Maniero and the Venetian Mafia - Jacopo Pezzan - Giacomo Brunoro
Felice Maniero and the Venetian Mafia - Jacopo Pezzan - Giacomo Brunoro

Felice Maniero and the Venetian Mafia

Jacopo Pezzan - Giacomo Brunoro
pubblicato da La Case Books

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This is the story of the criminal epic of the "Mala del Brenta", the criminal organization led by Felice Maniero, The Godfather with angel face and devil heart who for twenty years bloodied Venezia and Veneto Region.

They were "the Versace boys sprayed by Van Cleef". They were country boys who didn't want a job and a normal life. They wanted everything and they wanted it right away. They preferred the gun to the shovel, the Ferrari to the pick up. They were country boys and Felice Maniero was their guide.

Angel Face pushed them beyond all limits and perhaps even further. He has opened the door for them to worlds and riches that they could not even have imagined. He took them up to heaven and then, one day, he abandoned them to plunge them straight into hell with a one-way ticket

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Generi Storia e Biografie » Biografie Diari e Memorie » Biografie e autobiografie , Gialli Noir e Avventura » Gialli, mistery e noir

Editore La Case Books

Formato Ebook (senza DRM)

Pubblicato 18/11/2021

Lingua Italiano

EAN-13 9781953546562

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Felice Maniero and the Venetian Mafia


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