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Filosofia Giapponese 2022 - Sseki Murakami
Filosofia Giapponese 2022 - Sseki Murakami

Filosofia Giapponese 2022

Sseki Murakami
pubblicato da Sseki Murakami

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What happens if you find yourself facing a difficult test?

How do you overcome your fears and worries?

What attitude to have when challenges or obstacles get in your way?

The mind is a thought factory, and if we don't have control over our thoughts then we are lost.

We all know this feeling of stress and anxiety that assails us when things start to go wrong.

The book "Japanese Philosophy" provides concrete and useful solutions to improve your personal growth through the philosophy of the country of the rising sun.

You'll discover how the age-old Japanese culture can improve your life through this collection of 4 books that will help you reveal the Samurai in you so you can be more productive in your work or daily life.

Here are the 4 main topics that this collection will touch on:

Ikigai, i.e. your life mission, your why
Kaizen, the method to improve always and continuously (in all areas of your life)
Shinrin-Yoku, the Japanese therapy in contact with nature
Kintsukuroi, the Japanese art of healing the wounds of the soul and enhancing their uniqueness
Here's specifically what you'll find inside:

What are Ikigai, Kaizen, Shinrin-Yoku and Kintsukuroi
The Ikigai diagram and one's purpose in life
Physical exercises to promote health and longevity
How Kaizen can help you change your habits, even if it seems so hard to do so
The 5 steps of Shinrin-Yoku and the therapeutic effects of nature
The concept of Wabi-Sabi and how to apply (along with Kintsukuroi) this style of thinking to every moment of your life
Practical examples of how to recover from various types of soul wounds
...and much, much more!

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Generi Scienze umane » Filosofia » Mente , Psicologia e Filosofia » Filosofia: Specifiche aree » Filosofia della religione

Editore Sseki Murakami

Formato Ebook (senza DRM)

Pubblicato 03/02/2022

Lingua Italiano

EAN-13 1230005405770

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Filosofia Giapponese 2022


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