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FineCat 2013 - Symposium on heterogeneous catalysis for fine chemicals - Book of Abstract
FineCat 2013 - Symposium on heterogeneous catalysis for fine chemicals - Book of Abstract

FineCat 2013 - Symposium on heterogeneous catalysis for fine chemicals

Book of Abstract
pubblicato da Simplicissimus Book Farm

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The Book of Abstract of the second FineCat - Symposium on heterogeneous catalysis for fine chemicals" held in Italy on April 2013, including the lectures of eminent chemists Claudio Bianchini, D. Tyler McQuade and Elio Santacesaria. A not-to-be-missed resource to stay updated by reviewing exciting chemical innovation in fields as diverse as glycerol and biodiesel conversion, flow chemistry with solid catalysts, catalysis with metal nanoparticles, heterogeneous photocatalysis and doped hybrid silicas. Delegates from Germany, the US, Israel, Thailand, Kazakstan, Italy, Kuwait and Qatar pointed once again to the truly international nature of this Symposium series inaugurated in 2012.

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Generi Scienza e Tecnica » Chimica » Industriale » Ingegneria » Altre branche dell'ingegneria

Editore Simplicissimus Book Farm

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 29/04/2013

Lingua Italiano

EAN-13 9788863699692

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FineCat 2013 - Symposium on heterogeneous catalysis for fine chemicals


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