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From Violin to Viola - Andrea Bertanzon
From Violin to Viola - Andrea Bertanzon

From Violin to Viola

Andrea Bertanzon
pubblicato da youcanprint

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Violin and Viola, brother and sister. Similar and different. They share the same technique,we hold them the same, and yet they differ. The perfect king and the imperfect queen. Is it possible to fill the gap between the two instruments? Is there something viola players and composers have missed? Violin players use virtuoso repertory as a tool to skyrocket their progress and ultimately achieve mastership. Why do viola players neglect this repertory? If you open Paganini's caprices you can understand why. They are not tailored for viola. Should we give up? No, we should instead take a closer and detailed look at virtuoso transcriptions done by great viola players and from them learn how to write, how to tailor and how to practice virtuoso music on the viola.

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Generi Musica » Strumenti musicali e Insiemi strumentali

Editore Youcanprint

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 03/05/2019

Lingua Italiano

EAN-13 9788831615938

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From Violin to Viola


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