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Gamepaddle. Video Games, Education, Empowerment. - Michaela Anderle - Sebastian Ring
Gamepaddle. Video Games, Education, Empowerment. - Michaela Anderle - Sebastian Ring

Gamepaddle. Video Games, Education, Empowerment.

Michaela Anderle - Sebastian Ring
pubblicato da Ledizioni

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In the educational discourse video games are often regarded as a vital risk for young people. Especially excessive gaming of adolescents troubles teachers, educators and parents. The lack of knowledge about digital gaming worlds, as well as the lack of own gaming experience can lead to misjudgement and ignorance of resources acquired by young gamers. This is the starting point of the Gamepaddle project: identifying young people's game-related resources and helping them to benefit from them in other primarily non-game-related contexts such as school, intergenerational dialogue, creative activity or civic commitment.

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Generi Scienze umane » Educazione

Editore Ledizioni

Formato Ebook (senza DRM)

Pubblicato 14/01/2016

Lingua Italiano

EAN-13 9788867054107

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Gamepaddle. Video Games, Education, Empowerment.


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