This book presents a less known side of Garibaldi: a Garibaldi who campaigns for human rights no longer through war strategies but by pursuing a policy of peace and solidarity. His principle goal, at a European level, was the creation of a federation of States willing to resolve their mutual controversies in a friendly way, whilst at a national level, his wish was for changes aimed at improving the living conditions of the whole population through reforms that ranged from universal suffrage to the freedom to form associations, from universal compulsory elementary education to the achievement of equal rights between men and women. Lauro Rossi is an historian specializing in the 18th and 19th centuries. Among his works: Mazzini e la Rivoluzione napoletana del 1799 (Manduria 1995) and Fondare la nazione: i repubblicani del 1849 e la difesa del Gianicolo (Rome 2001).
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