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I see life in pink - Guy Safari
I see life in pink - Guy Safari

I see life in pink

Guy Safari
pubblicato da Europa Edizioni

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One day, James wakes up after a 10-year coma and finds himself in a society totally different from the one he left. Disoriented and confused by the weird behaviour of the people around him, he finds his way back home as he is still in his native town. Soon discovering that this society has been linked to his family, he embarks on a journey to find out what happened, restart his life and deal with surprising obligations and new habits. Is this new society, with all of its changes, the one that will make James able to see life in pink?

Guy Safari is a Belgian writer of Rwandan origin, born in 2006, who has been able to write his first book thanks to a Cambridge class in which he had to write as homework a short dystopian story that became longer than expected. He currently lives near Brussels, attends his last high school year before university and looks forward to realizing his dreams.

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Generi Romanzi e letteratura » Contemporanei

Editore Europa Edizioni

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 29/01/2024

Lingua Italiano

EAN-13 9791220149310

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I see life in pink


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