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Impaired Health - Its cause and cure - M.D. - J. H. Tilden
Impaired Health - Its cause and cure - M.D. - J. H. Tilden

Impaired Health - Its cause and cure

M.D. - J. H. Tilden
pubblicato da Stargatebook

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Table of Contents


CHAPTER I: Medicine-as a Science, as an Art

CHAPTER II: Disease-What Is It?

CHAPTER III: The Study of Medicine
I. Pathology
A. Etiology

  1. Environment in Its Relationship to Health and Disease

  2. Physical Agents

  3. Chemical Agents

  4. Animate Agents

  5. Nervous Reactions

  6. Nutrition

  7. Diatheses

  8. Heredity

  9. Pathology of the Fetus

  10. Inflammation

  11. Septicemia and Pyemia

  12. Tumors--Definition of *

  13. Synergies

B. Pathogeny

C. Pathological Physiology

D. Pathological Anatomy
E. Symptomatology

F. Nosology

II. Diagnosis

III. Prognosis

IV. Therapeutics

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Generi Salute Benessere Self Help » Mente, corpo, spirito

Editore Stargatebook

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 14/07/2016

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9786050479584

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Impaired Health - Its cause and cure


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