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Individual application in Turkish constitutional adjudication - Bahadr Klnç
Individual application in Turkish constitutional adjudication - Bahadr Klnç

Individual application in Turkish constitutional adjudication

Bahadr Klnç
pubblicato da Key Editore Srl

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Individual Application in Turkish Constitutional Adjudication A ground-breaking development happened in Turkey in 2010, when direct application of individuals to the Turkish Constitutional Court was accepted in result of a public referendum. The introduction of individual application into the Turkish constitutional law may be the most crucial event since the establishment of the Constitutional Court in 1962. The Turkish Constitutional Court began to transform from a conventional constitutional court to a human rights court.

Unfortunately, the number of books and other reference materials on the issue is still limited. Therefore, the main aim of the book is to provide necessary information on the law and practice of the individual application system in Turkey.

The Book, after furnishing fundamental information on Turkish Constitutional Court's structure, powers and duties, deals with many features of individual application system including its history and intensive preparations made before its introduction. The procedure, from the registration to judgment process, is elaborated in detail. In this context, general application conditions, preliminary application review, both procedural and substantial admissibility conditions, admissibility examination, examination on merits, judgment process and execution of judgments are presented with the relevant law, the academic opinions and to a certain degree case-law.

The latest statistics of the Constitutional Court and the Law 6216 on the Establishment and Trial Procedures of the Constitutional Court are provided in the book for quick reference.

Shortly, the story of individual application transformation is re-told from an inside view.

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Generi Economia Diritto e Lavoro » Management » Competizione economica » Studi generali

Editore Key Editore Srl

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 20/03/2017

Lingua Italiano

EAN-13 9788869595912

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Individual application in Turkish constitutional adjudication


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