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Italian Conversation (Speedy Study Guides) - Speedy Publishing
Italian Conversation (Speedy Study Guides) - Speedy Publishing

Italian Conversation (Speedy Study Guides)

Speedy Publishing
pubblicato da Speedy Publishing LLC

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Study guide pamphlets are typically the size of a standard sheet of paper. The Italian Study Guide pamphlet is like a cheat sheet for basic Italian phrases, numbers, vocabulary and pronunciation. It is helpful while taking a class to learn Italian or as a quick guide while touring Italy. Some are laminated for best protection and utility. Dependent upon the study guide you get, some are color coded between verbs and nouns to make it easier to create a correct sentence structure. This is one of the best investments, at a low cost, you can add to your Italian learning.

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Generi Lingue e Dizionari » Guide e corsi » Italiano

Editore Speedy Publishing Llc

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 04/05/2014

Lingua Italiano

EAN-13 9781633839922

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Italian Conversation (Speedy Study Guides)


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