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Kurdisdtan. An Invisible Nation - Stefano M. Torelli
Kurdisdtan. An Invisible Nation - Stefano M. Torelli

Kurdisdtan. An Invisible Nation

Stefano M. Torelli
pubblicato da Edizioni Epoké

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Kurdistan is probably one of the hottest geopolitical scenarios in the Middle East. Divided between Turkey, Syria, Iraq and Iran, this territory is inhabited by more than thirty million people - the world's largest "nation" without a state - who are a crucial actor in the region. A Fundamental constant in all the Middle East crises, the "Kurd factor" took central stage in the ongoing war against IS. Although the support received from the international community in this circumstance seemed promising for Kurd demands for autonomy or independence, questions about a long-term settlement are still unresolved. What new balances would an eventual victory of Kurds over IS create? What are the relationships between the different Kurd communities? How to reach a solution to the knotty Kurdish question able to satisfy all the actors involved, especially Turkey? Will it be possible to outline a common future for the Kurd communities or will they remain tied to the political destinies of the countries they live in? These are just some of the questions that this report tries to answer through contributions from leading international experts on the Kurdish question.

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Generi Storia e attualità » Politica » Teoria

Editore Edizioni Epoké

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 20/07/2017

Lingua Italiano

EAN-13 9788899647360

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Kurdisdtan. An Invisible Nation


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