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Le Avventure di Oliver Twist Italian-English - Charles Dickens - Valentino Armani
Le Avventure di Oliver Twist Italian-English - Charles Dickens - Valentino Armani

Le Avventure di Oliver Twist Italian-English

Charles Dickens - Valentino Armani
pubblicato da tredition

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The book is a classic that features a lovable boy who, despite all the hardship in his life, never gives up and retains his kind heart. Although the plot starts quite sadly with Oliver's start in life and his upbringing in the orphanage, it develops into a real crime story with a penchant for melodrama and a final, quite rosy ending where almost everyone gets what they deserve. The ending is then a rather concentrated load of information for the resolution. The story captivates and one experiences highs and lows with Oliver and is happy for him that he finds a few people who take him into their hearts and lovingly care for him. A classic that presents interesting characters from various social classes, melodrama, entertainment, emotion, brutality, social criticism, and some coincidences. The book at B1 language level offers a parallel Italian-English translation that allows the reader to learn the Italian language in a shorter time. At a glance, it is immediately apparent what unknown words mean. The audio files are included and available online. With the help of QR codes, access an audio file in no time without having to manually type in web addresses.

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Generi Famiglia Scuola e Università » Libri Scuola , Lingue e Dizionari » Enciclopedie e opere di consultazione

Editore Tredition

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 14/10/2023

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9783347980259

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Le Avventure di Oliver Twist Italian-English


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