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Learn Italian With Jokes - Jeremy Taylor
Learn Italian With Jokes - Jeremy Taylor

Learn Italian With Jokes

Jeremy Taylor
pubblicato da Jeremy Taylor

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Learn Italian With Jokes is an excellent way for people to practise their Italian. Great jokes like:

Ragazzo: Mi ami?
Ragazza: Certo che ti amo.
Ragazzo: Per quanto tempo mi amerai?
Ragazza: Ti amerò sempre.
Ragazzo: Quanto tempo è sempre?
Ragazza: Circa una settimana.

or this classic:

Come si abbracciano i ricci l'uno con l'altro?
Con cautela.

abbracciare - to hug
un riccio - a hedgehog
con cautela - carefully

I first learnt German by telling jokes to people in my awful German. But I quickly progressed and now I'm pretty fluent - and know lots of great jokes as well. When you're trying to improve your skills in a foreign language, reading is one of the best ways - and reading jokes is probably the best of all. The best way to use this book is to treat it like a swimming pool on a warm day. Dip in now and again and it is a very pleasant experience. If you stay in too long you won't enjoy it as much. To sum up, 10 good reasons for downloading Learn Italian With Jokes.

It improves your reading skills.
It improves your spelling - and your writing.
It will give you some interesting new vocabulary.
Jokes are short - and you will be rewarded with a laugh (or a groan).
Jokes are memorable - so you can tell your friends the jokes later.
If you're a teacher, you can entertain your students.
If you're a student, you can entertain your teachers.
It's available in a wide variety of formats
It's available from a wide variety of suppliers so you can choose.
It is a GREAT way to improve your Italian.
Want to start reading some great jokes in easy Italian? Carpe Diem!

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Generi Lingue e Dizionari » Corsi di italiano » Corsi di altre lingue straniere

Editore Jeremy Taylor

Formato Ebook (senza DRM)

Pubblicato 25/02/2012

Lingua Italiano

EAN-13 9781465827012

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Learn Italian With Jokes


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