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Management of symptoms in Multiple Sclerosis - Claudio Solaro
Management of symptoms in Multiple Sclerosis - Claudio Solaro

Management of symptoms in Multiple Sclerosis

Claudio Solaro
pubblicato da Edra

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This book offers a recent overview on the pathophysiology, the prevalence, and the treatment of symptoms in Multiple Sclerosis and it gives prominence to a number of the less-acknowledged and challenging symptoms such as pain, mood disturbance, and dysphagia. It also offers an up-to-date account on the most recent advances in the treatment of the more established symptoms such as spasticity, tremor, and urinary disturbance. For each of the areas the authors present a comprehensive management plan, which includes an up-to-date description of the evidence base supporting the current therapeutic options. Finally, it is clear that, besides the efforts to have drugs that act on the pathogenetic mechanisms of the disease striking its clinical course, we also need treatments that have beneficial effects on the symptoms that persons with MS constantly experience.

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Generi Salute e Benessere » Medicina

Editore Edra

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 14/07/2013

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9788821437748

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Management of symptoms in Multiple Sclerosis


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