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Milan, best to see - Fabio Basile
Milan, best to see - Fabio Basile

Milan, best to see

Fabio Basile
pubblicato da youcanprint

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Italy is one of most beautiful country in the world.
Our Country is famous everywhere for several things, among which stand out:
a. sart cities
b. wonderful landscapes
c. wonderful seas
d. cuisine dishes, the best in the world
Every year come many millions of tourists from everywhere in the world to visit and know it.
Lombardia capital, is also famous for having many tourists attractions.
So every year come to visit it some millions of tourists.
Main its attractions are about art.
Metropolis hosts several treasures, guarded inside famous basilicas: main of them are Duomo, Saint Ambrose and Santa Maria delle Grazie.
This city os known by youth people because are some famous and crowded area for night life: most note are Brera and Navigli districts.
Fabio Basile, retired doctor, for more than three years also has been working as independent italian writer.
He has written many books(Italian language), especially practical guides and tourist guides.
Recently he has published a guide(English language) about Venice: Venice, best to see.
You can find it on these note online stores: apple books, google books, Kobo.
This new book is a practical and short guide about Mila, financial Italian capital and one of most important fashion capital in yhe world.
This text, that also includes useful information, will remain for a short time on some famous online stores with a special price.

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Generi Romanzi e letteratura » Contemporanei

Editore Youcanprint

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 10/07/2024

Lingua Italiano

EAN-13 9791222754741

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Milan, best to see


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