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Minutka: The Bilingual Dog (Italian-English) - Anna Mycek-Wodecki
Minutka: The Bilingual Dog (Italian-English) - Anna Mycek-Wodecki

Minutka: The Bilingual Dog (Italian-English)

Anna Mycek-Wodecki
pubblicato da Milet Publishing

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With beautifully expressive, witty illustrations and an appealing contemporary design, this book shows kids how much fun it is to be bilingual by introducing them to a teeny-tiny dog who is fluent in English and Italian and even dreams in both languages. Anyone who has ever known and loved a pet will instantly recognize Minutka's favorite activities: she shakes paw, snatches socks, runs in circles, and has fun around the house and garden with her family and friends. Readers don't need to know Italian (or even be children) to be entranced by this lovable dog.

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Generi Bambini e Ragazzi » Narrativa » Animali

Editore Milet Publishing

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 30/05/2023

Lingua Italiano

EAN-13 9781785089947

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Minutka: The Bilingual Dog (Italian-English)


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