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Modern mannerism in italian poetry - Thomas E. Peterson
Modern mannerism in italian poetry - Thomas E. Peterson

Modern mannerism in italian poetry

Thomas E. Peterson
pubblicato da Quodlibet

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«The neomannerist poetry of the Novecento is featured here in concise analyses of the works of seven poets. The dark light that gleams from their verse is at once the product of derivation from the earlier maniera and of a new poetic idiom, coined in direct response to the late modern experience of the sublime, the irregular and the unexpected.» This study approaches mannerism as a constant in literary history, a stylistic system that re-emerges in the 20th century with particular force. As demonstrated in readings of Ungaretti, Sinisgalli, Fortini, Campo, Giudici, Rosselli and De Signoribus, the neo-mannerist poem is both self-generated and derivative, and proposes in its message a strong ethical response to the crises of the century.

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Generi Romanzi e Letterature » Storia e Critica letteraria » Letteratura dal 1900 » Poesia e poeti

Editore Quodlibet

Collana Elements

Formato Brossura

Pubblicato 04/07/2017

Pagine 91

Lingua Inglese

Isbn o codice id 9788822900715

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Modern mannerism in italian poetry


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