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My God is the God of Walkers - Graziano Urli
My God is the God of Walkers - Graziano Urli

My God is the God of Walkers

Graziano Urli
pubblicato da ilmiolibro self publishing

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'My God is the God of Walkers' is the journal of my Camino I took in 2018. In many ways it resembles a collection of short stories, where more than the precise chronicle of the events my attention is focused on my inner experience and on the description of the pilgrims I met on the way.Pilgrims who come from all over the world, from all different walks of life, with all the most diverse reasons that urge them to take the Way of Saint James.Even though my experience wasn't religious, in the impossibility of living again the expectations of Medieval pilgrims, of sharing their beliefs, still the Camino let me understand that also the capacity to get to the end, to face the problems, the anxieties that life has daily in store for us, with strength and dignity, is a value.Even though full of troubles, life is beautiful for this.

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Generi Guide turistiche e Viaggi » Letteratura di viaggio » Scritti di viaggio

Editore Ilmiolibro Self Publishing

Formato Ebook (senza DRM)

Pubblicato 21/09/2023

Lingua Italiano

EAN-13 9791222800011

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My God is the God of Walkers


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