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NOVELLE ONLINE - Domenico De Ferraro
NOVELLE ONLINE - Domenico De Ferraro


Domenico De Ferraro
pubblicato da Domenico De Ferraro

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Online Novels is a collection of short stories published on various literary writing sites free .
Collects about forty short stories
Fantasy and Science Fiction written in
the years 2010 -2011 . research staff
expression to represent a reality
phenomenological and dreamlike , a dimension
rejoice that the great player and it does reflect on the evils of modern society, I will not extend beyond the description of my particular creative spirit that animated the compilation of these stories will leave you at once to the reading of specific texts that I approached to rando ' intention prefix and he had recounted the incredible suffused with gentle verses .

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Generi Romanzi e letteratura » Racconti e antologie letterarie

Editore Domenico De Ferraro

Formato Ebook (senza DRM)

Pubblicato 17/12/2011

Lingua Italiano

EAN-13 9781465863393

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