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Nonna ADHIRA a Casa Azzurra - Leone Gabriele Rotini
Nonna ADHIRA a Casa Azzurra - Leone Gabriele Rotini

Nonna ADHIRA a Casa Azzurra

Leone Gabriele Rotini
pubblicato da youcanprint

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THE book "GRANDMOTHER ADHIRA AT CASA AZZURRA" opens up to the reader a world very close to Indian, Italian and all over the civilized families, namely that relating to retirement homes for so-called SELF-SUFFICIENT elderly people, but who often use a walking cart. There are aspects of daily life, of friendships and relationships between them, with the Sisters who manage Casa Azzurra, as well as with doctors, civil workers and family members, the latter being fundamental for their physical and mental health with their affection and their visits, which have an effect comparable to that obtained with medical therapies and good material, physical and spiritual assistance. It reflects the society of India, Italy and other nations of the world, because the people hosted are mostly women, who live longer than men. Foreigners like NONNA ADHIRA are also starting to be present, a sign that Italian society is increasingly international and multiracial

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Generi Famiglia Scuola e Università » Famiglia e Figli » Relazioni interpersonali

Editore Youcanprint

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 02/02/2024

Lingua Italiano

EAN-13 9791221489729

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Nonna ADHIRA a Casa Azzurra


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