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Paintings, etc.. Ediz. illustrata - William Klein
Paintings, etc.. Ediz. illustrata - William Klein

Paintings, etc.. Ediz. illustrata

William Klein
pubblicato da Contrasto DUE

Prezzo online:
-5 %
Disponibile in 6-7 giorni. la disponibilità è espressa in giorni lavorativi e fa riferimento ad un singolo pezzo
86 punti carta PAYBACK
Prodotto acquistabile con Carte Cultura e Carta Docente

For over six decades William Klein has pursued a creative life all his own. He has learned on the job with next to no formai training, making innovative and influential work in photog­raphy, painting, graphic design, writing, television and film. His sensibility is distinctive, while his achievements are unparalleled and unlikely to be matched. He began in the late 1940s with figurative and abstract canvases of great graphic flair. Via the galiery he moved to the printed page where he reinvented two supposedly antagonistic fields: fashion photography and documentary photography. And for the screen he has made more than twenty ground­breaking documentaries, over two hundred commercials and a handful of wildly iconoclastic fiction films. (From "Ninety Seconds" by David Company)

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Editore Contrasto Due

Formato Brossura

Pubblicato 10/01/2013

Pagine 103

Lingua Inglese

Isbn o codice id 9788869654008

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Paintings, etc.. Ediz. illustrata


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