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Pedi-Pole and Magic Circle - Esperanza Aparicio Romero - Javier Pérez Pont
Pedi-Pole and Magic Circle - Esperanza Aparicio Romero - Javier Pérez Pont

Pedi-Pole and Magic Circle

Esperanza Aparicio Romero - Javier Pérez Pont
pubblicato da Hakabooks

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he Pedi-Pole is a T-shaped pole very long with a solid base and two springs hooked at each end of the T. This post is designed to represent the spine, which will align in the center to work and enhance the symmetry and coordination. This is not a device for beginners, however the student must be prepared to work on it. Men usually begin to work in the Pedi-Pole before women. Strengthens the energy center and work posture, alignment, coordination, control, breathing and balance, getting to be a big help for singers, dancers and gymnasts.?

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Generi Salute Benessere Self Help » Alimentazione e Diete » Cura del corpo

Editore Hakabooks

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 13/05/2013

Lingua Italiano

EAN-13 9788415409960

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Pedi-Pole and Magic Circle


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