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Pediatric Dentistry 2nd ed. - Antonella Polimeni
Pediatric Dentistry 2nd ed. - Antonella Polimeni

Pediatric Dentistry 2nd ed.

Antonella Polimeni
pubblicato da Edra

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A discipline that deals with the patient in developmental age may not look for a continuum progress? Absolutely not. And this second edition proves it, which deepens and expands the panorama of pediatric dentistry already widely explored from the previous edition. In 24 chapters the treatment of the patient in developmental age is examined in every aspect: from how to approach the patient, to the prevention, to the conservative treatment in carious pathology. This edition has been updated with a revision of the chapter on endodontics and the introduction of some new chapters: one dedicated to the prevention and treatment of snoring and obstructive sleep apnea syndrome during the developmental age; one on the therapeutic procedures to be followed in patients affected by systemic pathologies and syndromes; one on myofunctional therapy; and one on pharmacological treatment. The book includes clinical cases, more than 800 images, and video of endodontic interventions (

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Generi Scienza e Tecnica » Medicina

Editore Edra

Formato Ebook

Pubblicato 19/06/2020

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9788821451546

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Pediatric Dentistry 2nd ed.


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