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Peppers and popcorn - Remo F. J. Mancini
Peppers and popcorn - Remo F. J. Mancini

Peppers and popcorn

Remo F. J. Mancini
pubblicato da youcanprint

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After obtaining confidential information by mistake, Biagio is kidnapped by the secret services and used as a guinea pig in an experiment that catapults him into a dimension created by his own consciousness. He wakes up in Anderra, a city with bizarre architecture populated by anthropomorphic characters, where he forges bonds and fights for survival. After defeating a pig-like cook and vanquishing the corrupt members of the Order of the Guards, Biagio comes across a strangely familiar little girl, Daphne: the projection of the identity that his real daughter could have assumed, if she had been still alive. He decides to keep her and raise her. However, he soon discovers that that strange dreamlike reality hides monsters far more frightening than those he has faced, such as his wife Viviana, who committed suicide in the past with their baby in her womb, who accuses Biagio of having been the cause of his extreme act and she plots to drag him into mental drift, and to a vengeful death. After ten years, the wicked specter of the woman, whom she had once madly loved, manages to kidnap Daphne. During the final confrontation, however, Biagio grieves and manages to make her ghost disappear once and for all. However, at the long-awaited reunion with his daughter, the experiment ends and Biagio is abruptly brought back to the real world, in which just sixty seconds have passed. The man is freed and wanders in search of a way to return to his new family in Anderra but once he has ascertained the impossibility of reaching that dimension by repeating the experiment, he chooses to kill himself in the hope of returning, this time forever.

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Generi Romanzi e letteratura » Contemporanei

Editore Youcanprint

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 01/02/2024

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9791222724768

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Peppers and popcorn


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