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Politics, State, Communism - Álvaro García Linera
Politics, State, Communism - Álvaro García Linera

Politics, State, Communism

Álvaro García Linera
pubblicato da Mimesis International

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"Politics, State, Communism" brings together a series of speeches written by Álvaro García Linera in a unique political conjuncture: some date back to when he was serving as vice president of Bolivia, others to the period immediately after the coup d'état of November 2019. These writings cover a wide range of political subjects: social movements and forms of autonomy in Bolivia; democracy and its function in late capitalism; the discrepancy between national and capitalist spaces; the Russian October Revolution as an event, and its resonances in other parts of the world; the concept and function of the state; and, finally, the idea of communism in its relation to necessity and contingency. Preface by Slavoj Žižek

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Generi Storia e attualità » Politica » Teoria

Editore Mimesis International

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 06/10/2023

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9788869774485

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Politics, State, Communism


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