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Professional Griefers - Monica Lippa
Professional Griefers - Monica Lippa

Professional Griefers

Monica Lippa
pubblicato da youcanprint

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When the founding partner Viktor Salner divorces from his beloved wife, Cristina, he starts to publicly flaunt his affairs with various prostitutes, particularly irritating his partner Claudia Berger, who is concerned with the reputation of the law firm. Fearing for his authority, Viktor tries to kick Claudia out of the office while she plots to have Viktor killed by asking for help from her life-long lover, Adrian Zukovnic.
Adrian organizes a fake kidnapping, but the attempt to kill Viktor is thwarted by Claudia herself because of the unexpected presence of her best friend, Carolina Pezzi, on the scene chosen for the crime. Erroneously thinking that Claudia wanted to save his life, Viktor expresses his gratitude by giving her the chance to lead the most assignment for the office, the Trentmoeller operation, in Berlin. Initially Claudia hesitates to accept, because in Berlin she would run the risk of being recognized in her true identify as Francesca De Gaetano, who had escaped from the German capital when she was twenty years old, after a murder was committed. Nevertheless, later Claudia accepts to return to Berlin, determined to take advantage of the professional opportunity offered and also try to eliminate Viktor once again.
Unfortunately, shortly before leaving Claudia enters into the database of a criminal organization secretly supported by Viktor thereby infuriating the head of it, Mr. Chang, who, suspecting that Claudia could have important evidence against his gang, orders Viktor to get rid of her as soon as possible or Viktor himself would die. At first Viktor is reluctant but then, after having made up with his ex-wife Cristina, he finds the strength to obey Mr. Chang's wishes. So, Claudia and Viktor go to Berlin together to start up the Trentmoeller operation with the intention of eliminating each other, while neither is aware of the plans of the other.


"Me and the other partners, on the behalf of which I am now speaking, feel that lately you've been indulging in trends that are a bit too revolutionary."
"What are you saying?"
"That you should try to control your outlandish behavior."
"Meaning what??"
"That you have stop fucking whores."

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Generi Hobby e Tempo libero » Umorismo » Libri per ridere e collezioni umoristiche , Gialli Noir e Avventura » Legal thriller e thriller politico , Romanzi e Letterature » Legal, Thriller e Spionaggio

Editore Youcanprint

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 01/05/2018

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9788827815786

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