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Remember the ultimate collection - Cat Stevens
Remember the ultimate collection - Cat Stevens

Remember the ultimate collection

Cat Stevens
pubblicato da Universal Music

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Prodotto acquistabile con Carte Cultura
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Lista dei brani

1 Moonshadow
2 Father And Son
3 Morning Has Broken
4 Wild World
5 The First Cut Is The Deepest
6 Lady D'Arbanville
7 Oh Very Young
8 Matthew & Son
9 Sitting
10 Hard Headed Woman
11 I Love My Dog
12 Rubylove
13 Don't Be Shy
14 Can't Keep It In
15 Here Comes My Baby
16 Into White
17 (Remember The Days Of The) Old Schoolyard
18 Where Do The Children Play?
19 Land O' Freelove & Goodbye
20 Another Saturday Night
21 Foreigner Suite
22 Just Another Night
23 Peace Train
24 If You Want To Sing Out, Sing Out

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Generi Pop Rock internazionale

Etichetta Universal Music

Formato Audio CD

Pubblicato 05/11/1999

Lingua Italiano

EAN-13 0731452460820

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Remember the ultimate collection


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