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Sacrificial Nights - Bruce Boston - Alessandro Manzetti
Sacrificial Nights - Bruce Boston - Alessandro Manzetti

Sacrificial Nights

Bruce Boston - Alessandro Manzetti
pubblicato da Kipple Officina Libraria

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Bram Stoker Award Winners Bruce Boston and Alessandro Manzetti combine their poetic and narrative talents in a poetry novella that blends the genres of horror, surrealism, crime, and noir. Set in a large America city, Sacrificial Nights follows the lives of some of those who inhabit its late-night streets: prostitutes, pimps, a thief, an arsonist, a police detective, a psychotic killer, and more. Their tales and the tale of the city itself are richly complemented by British artist Ben Baldwin's striking illustrations. This is a dark read with some explicit graphic content.

"Original, intelligent and exquisitely rendered, Sacrificial Nights is an absolute tour de force, a richly layered Chinese Box of sorts, where each part is as important as the whole. In a world of cookie-cutter plots and tired poetry, Sacrificial Nights is a shot of cool night air, shadowy, dangerous, and addictive as sin." Greg F. Gifune, author of The Bleeding Season

"When a book is both lucid and hallucinogenic, the effect can be shocking, luminous transgressive. The collision of talents in this extraordinary work practically establishes a new genre - macabre noir." Robert Dunbar, author of Willy

"Populated by denizens who straddle the line between salvation and damnation, Sacrificial Nightsreads like a flashlight exploration of the darkness lurking behind closed doors and down blind alleys. Boston and Manzetti deftly navigate the shadows where human monsters dwell." Michael McBride, author of Subterrestrial

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Generi Romanzi e letteratura » Horror » Poesia , Fantasy Horror e Gothic » horror e Dark Romance

Editore Kipple Officina Libraria

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 17/06/2016

Lingua Italiano

EAN-13 9788898953561

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