Salvatore Ferragamo tells his story in a captivating book that looks back at the adventure of his life, from his origins as a young cobbler in the village of Bonito in the province of Avellino to the stars of Hollywood.
"The least important part of this book is the life-story of an Italian shoemaker. We can all write the stories of our lives, and if I go into the details of my career it is only that I may be best able to tell you about the mission to which I was called, the work I could not prevent myself from doing.
In my life, I have found that Nature provides us with good feet. If your feet are bad, it is because your shoes are bad. Yet it is not necessarynot even for the sake of vanity so to torture yourselves. We can all walk happily and be well shod, daintily shod, beautifully shod. That has been my life's work: striving to learn to make shoes that always fit and refusing to put my name to any that do not fit." (Salvatore Ferragamo).
Anonimo -