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Silent Night Carols for Christmas Easy Piano - SilverTonalities
Silent Night Carols for Christmas Easy Piano - SilverTonalities

Silent Night Carols for Christmas Easy Piano

pubblicato da SilverTonalities

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Silent Night Carols for Christmas

Traditional Christmas Carols for Beginner and Novice Pianists by SilverTonalities!

With Colored Notation to enable Beginner Pianists to read Music quickly and accurately!

Silent Night or "Stille Nacht", a German Carol translated into more than 300 languages worldwide
Fum Fum Fum, a traditional Catalan Carol, thought to have originated in the 16th or 17th Century
O Christmas Tree or "O Tannenbaum" is also a Carol of German origin, thought to have been written in 1824
The Friendly Beasts or the "Carol of the Animals" tells the story of a Donkey, Cow, Sheep, Camel and Dove who give to Jesus Christ at the Nativity
The First Noel, an early modern English Carol with Cornish origins
Star of the East, a popular Christmas Song composed in 1883 by Amanda Kennedy

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Generi Musica » Musica folk e tradizionale » Musica sacra, Spiritual, Gospel » Strumenti musicali e Insiemi strumentali

Editore Silvertonalities

Formato Ebook (senza DRM)

Pubblicato 24/10/2021

Lingua Italiano

EAN-13 1230005232260

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Silent Night Carols for Christmas Easy Piano


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