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Songbook singles vol.1 - Super Furry Animals
Songbook singles vol.1 - Super Furry Animals

Songbook singles vol.1

Super Furry Animals
pubblicato da Vari.

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Disponibile in 2-3 giorni. la disponibilità è espressa in giorni lavorativi e fa riferimento ad un singolo pezzo
Prodotto acquistabile con Carte Cultura
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Lista dei brani

1 Something 4 The Weekend
2 It's Not The End Of The World?
3 Northern Lites
4 Juxtapozed With U
5 Slow Life
6 Fire In My Heart
7 The Man Don't Give A Fuck
8 Hermann Loves Pauline
9 Play It Cool
10 Ice Hockey Hair
11 Do Or Die
12 (Drawing) Rings Around The World
13 God! Show Me Magic
14 Ysbeidiau Heulog
15 Demons
16 Golden Retriever
17 The International Language Of Screaming
18 Hello Sunshine
19 Hometown Unicorn
20 If You Don't Want Me To Destroy You
21 Blerwytirhwng?

Produttore:EPIC Genere musicale:POPULAR

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Generi Pop Rock internazionale

Etichetta Vari.

Formato Cd

Pubblicato 11/06/2009

Lingua Italiano

EAN-13 5099751767121

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Songbook singles vol.1


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